We do everything we can to minimize the environmental impact.

Since 2021, as part of our commitment to always improve our company standpoint on the ecological aspect and find ways to be greener, we chose to ban single-use product packaging of our brand. That means our underwear don't have any extra boxes or any type of branded packaging.

As a company, we truly have to rethink how we pack and ship products. We preferred to focus the product itself to wow the clients instead of a beautiful however non essential one-time outside branded box/bag.

We decided to go foward with this because we know these types of packaging are made for visual branding and aesthetical purposes only and are pretty much thrown away directly after being opened.

To safely and carefully pack our product we only use sturdy recycled mailers that are padded with recycled fibers - We use the one shown in the picture above.

Also, all communication including customer's invoices is paperless and made through emails.

BY LANGLOIS is quality you can love and trust.
